No Google Boost from DMOZ

Remo Uherek

Ayom Gründer
Hier ein interessantes GoogleGuy-Zitat:

GoogleGuy Says:

"Why does it take so long for Google to update their directory from DMOZ? When will the next update be? How much weight is given, if any, to sites in DMOZ versus sites not listed in DMOZ when it comes to ranking."

When we updated once per month, we'd make sure that we downloaded the newest RDF dump of DMOZ before indexing started. I don't know when the next update will be. As far as the weight, a link from DMOZ is the same as a link from any other page on the web. DMOZ pages typically have more PageRank, so it helps in that respect, but there's no extra boost just because the link comes from the Open Directory.


Aber eigentlich war dies ja klar. Alle Links werden mit dem selben Algorithmus bewertet. Nur ist das DMOZ eben eine so wichtige Seite, dass Backlinks automatisch als "wichtig" angesehen werden.

Also eigentlich nichts Neues.

Gruss, Remo