
  • Ersteller Antoine Johannes
  • Erstellt am

Antoine Johannes

Soeben habe ich eine schräge Website entdeckt. operation-helmet.org sammelt Geld, um den Soldaten im Irak und Afghanistan, einen sicheren Helm zu schenken.
Es müssen schon Verbrecher sein, die Jugendliche, ohne ausreichende Aussrüstung, in den Krieg schicken. Einem Krieg der nur Menschen tötet und niemandem etwas nützt.

QUOTE OPERATION HELMET provides helmet upgrade kits free of charge to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as to those ordered to deploy in the near future. These helmet upgrades do three primary things:

* Protection - Shock-absorbing pads keep the helmet from slapping the skull when hit with blast forces, fragments, or being tumbled along the ground or inside a vehicle. This decreases the chance of brain injury from IED's, bombs, RPG's, vehicle accidents, falls, etc.
* Comfort - If it is comfortable, it will stay on troop's head longer and more often.
* Stability - Keeps the helmet firmly on the head and out of the eyes.

The life you save might save another!
