Social Media Communication Plan erstellen


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Hi zusammen,

für mich ist das recht neu, aber ich soll einen Communication Plan erstellen. Nun habe ich natürlich im Vorfeld gegoogled, jedoch nicht so recht gefunden, was ich suche. Hier die Aufgabe:

" Your first task is to prepare a social media communication plan for the launch of "an open Beta event for a PC game". Please don't forget to include any of our 5 key channels; the official website/forums, facebook page, twitter, instagram and twitch. Would be great to see such plan prepared for the duration of 2 weeks (starting 1 week before and ending 1 week after the release of the expansion). It's all about diversified and engaging content. Don't think about the budget - it's obvious you don't have the knowledge of assets we will be releasing at that time (or any dates for that matter:)) because we simply haven't released them to the public - try to come up with ideal assets you'd love to see for that period and build the communication around them. Use your creativity, experience and knowledge about our game to perform this task. Preparing a few example posts/short articles that will be a part of this plan will be a plus."

Das Spiel hat natürlich einen Namen, den möchte ich jedoch gerne für mich behalten. Irgend welche Ideen, wie sowas im Detail aussehen sollte?

Danke für eure Hilfe!
