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Ich suche einen Programmierer, der mir folgendes in die Tat umsetzt (habe den Text auf Englisch, da ich auch auf englischsprachigen Seiten suche).

Bitte antwortet mit eurem Angebot und vorraussichtliches Lieferdatum.

High level requirement description:

I want to have a set of scripts which do the following:
1- put user entries in my site's database. The data entered are an entry name, description, address fields, a URL, a flag (false/true), a category, and a picture. The addresses should be converted by the script into coordinates
2- allow users to search geographically the entries (i.e. around a location +/- x kilometers)
3- display the entries on a map. Markers should display entry name, description and picture, URL. The entries with flag = true should be displayed by default on top zoom level, the other entries should be displayed 2 levels below.

Technologies to be used:
Google Maps, MySQL, PHP, Javascript. The code must be compatible with PHP4 and MySQL4.
Do not use PHP header functions, do not store pictures in the database.

I will have to maintain this code, so write a lot of comments and keep it as simple as possible, avoid using complex nested functions, limit the number of includes to one level.

Detailed requirements / how I imagine the thing could work:

1a- entry form, where the user enters the data
entry name - text 50
description - text 300
address fields [Address line 1(50), Address line 2 (50), City (30), ZIP (6), Province/State (3), Country (3)] => provinces and countries contain a code only, and should have 2 DB tables linked to them.
a URL (60)
a flag (true/false)
a category (1 to 10 if you want)
a picture (upload function to a directory) - max. 100kb in size - a thumbnail of max dimension 100px should be made on the fly - filename should be stored in DB

1b- the script converts the address into coordinates and displays the location on a map for the user, as well as the info prevously entered.
the user is asked if the location is correct.
No => go back to entry form and correct address
Yes => proceed - the script saves coordinates into DB - thank you

2- User search
Users can search either:
- without a radius, classical search: inside an area: country, province, city, address, entry name, by category, etc.
- from a location + radius: city, address, by category, etc.

3- Display of results
Results are displayed in a google map, the initial zoom level being set automatically to show all the markers where the flag is = true.
The other markers are displayed when the user zooms in by 2 levels.
All standard controls are present on the map.
The markers should have different colors according to category.
When the mouse goes over a marker, it expands and displays entry name, description and picture, URL (if the mouse over is not feasible, then on click).
